Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Cards

We got our first Christmas Card today. It came from my Mom and Dad. My mom is so organized and always on top of her game when it comes to cards. She has an excel spreadsheet with names addresses and birthdays. If you are on that list you will get a card in the mail on your birthday and also recieve a Christmas card. I did not inherit these skills. I think I have sent Christmas cards once in my life. I am terrible and awful about birthday cards and thank you cards. Usually, I don't even pick up a Father's Day card for Jon until the day before Father's Day. It's not that I don't want to be more organized I think it might be a little bit of laziness and a whole lot of lack of time. Those seem like kind of lame-o excuses because really how hard is it to take a picture slap it on a card from a web-site and send it out.

Now usually the cards my mom sends are out stock boxed Christmas Cards, but not the one we got today. Check it out-

And when you open it up it says, "I triple dog dare you." from the movie and the text says ..make is one you'll NEVER forget. I admit I laughed snorted when Jon opened the card. I so love this movie and can not wait for Christmas Eve. Thank you mom for the card.

So, am I the only one on the planet who does not currently send out Christmas cards?


Chell said...

Having a jaw surgery and staying home for a few extra days, I was able to steal a few moments to catch up on many things. I was even able to get Christmas cards done this year :) It's always a painful chore.

Anonymous said...

Your dad found the card...

Laura said...

I LOVE that card, my all time favorite Christmas movie!! Your mom rocks because she sounds like me...I'm a card and organizational freak. :)

Megan M. said...

I'm no good at cards. I have such good intentions. I have lots of boxes of cards, all ready to be signed, sealed and posted. But, no. It never happens. One year, I even ordered pre-printed ones, so I didn't even have to sign them! I still have the box of 'em.
Your mom scares me. The card, however, totally rocks!