Thursday, December 10, 2009

A little love from Dade.

It's happened. Our bebe boy is big enought to make presents. For Papa's birthday Dade made a present and he was so excited about it that after the babies went to bed on Tuesday night he insisted that Papa open his present. I'm not sure that the pictures were able to catch the pure joy he had as he wished his Papa, "Happy Birthday!!" over and over again...

Helping Papa with the wrapping. (Dade even wrapped the present with Titi's help)

Oh cool buddy what is it?

Thank you so much. MUAH!!

Look Mama a "marker holder".
(Dade has a bit of an obsession with markers.)
The pen holder has a big sticker on it that says, "I AM THE BOSS". It made me laugh because it reminded me of Michael Scott's giant mug on the office.
Jon did take his gift to work and has pens in it on his desk. I should probably get a picture of it to show Dade.

One of Dade's favorite shows is "Mitzurvivor" aka Survivor. He loves the challenges. On last nights episode one of the immunity challenges was bowling, which Dade praticipated in on the family room floor with a miniature basketball. After the challenge was over he declared himself the winner and asked for his (immunity) necklace. Here is his sporting his immunity. It's a rolled up baby receiving blanket, the best this mom could come up with in a pinch.

Finally, how is it even remotely fair that this little boy has such long thick glorious eyelashes?? I'm so jealous. Can you guess where they come from? Yeah, his father. At least the girls got them too, they will never need to use mascara.

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