Today the sweetest boy in the world turned three years old. The tradition Jon and I started is that we take a picture of the last day at a given age, so the 9th of August will always be picture day for Dade.
Whew just typing that out and looking at the photos brought a tear to my eye. Before him I never learned so much about myself, loved so much and cried so hard. Having him has taught me alot about being me.
(photo heavy)
There was no theme to our small party; however the little things in life bring great joy to a three year old. He wanted a blue cake with candles and a surprise. The surprise was the helium balloons you see here. His all-time favorite movie is Cars, just ask Danielle she watches it everyday with him. Today was going to be different he was going to watch The Bee Movie but Danielle showed up with Lightening McQueen and Mater in a gift bag (Hello!! the best gift ever). So she was stuck watching Cars again today.
Bluish-green cake with marshmallow decorations.
Mama said, "No cake before dinner Dade."
Dade said, "No cake before dinner, Mama."
Maybe I can sneak a little lick.
Who me? What? You have no proof.
*-Yes his shirt is on backwards, he likes the letters in the front.
Blow them out buddy. At this point we had finished singing and clapping. Coralee was under the kitchen table crying.
Yeah all the candles are out, more clapping & more crying.
There she is with Papa and she is all better. Why was she crying? Well because under the table her hands were occupied with holding herself up on the chair & Coralee knows how to clap, so when she heard the clapping she could just let go of the chair and sit down, instead she wigged out. Once Jon picked her up she stopped crying and starting clapping. (Ahhh more of the difference between girls and boys, HIGH MAINTENANCE!!)
He was more interested in eating the marshmallows than the cake. This is one of the few bites he took. He did eat about 10 mini marshmallows.
Awww Angel Elizabeth and Brennan. Brennan didn't want to take her second nap today, so she was a real peach this evening(re-read with a thick sarcastic overtone).
Angel Elizabeth joined us for this evenings festivities. I got her permission to post this photo. It may be the last summer she is able to be in VA to celebrate Dade's b-day; thou she was not happy when I mentioned this. Our dear, sweet, beautiful, smart, loving, sassy, silly Angel Elizabeth is getting married next March. Dade is the ring bearer in the wedding. She will be a junior at Arizona in 2 weeks and she is in the ROTC. So once her husband commissions he will go off to training she will finish her schooling and then likely move to be with him. We love her so much and wish her the best, and we love the way she loves our kids.
All in all it was a very good birthday. I'm excited to see what Dade's 4th year on this earth holds and am hopeful that it involves going to the potty. ;o)
1 comment:
Happy birthday, Dade! Hope it was a great day!
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