Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sooo Embarrassed..

Julia at Sweet as Punkin Pie hosts Working Mom Wednesday

There is no featured mama this week just an oppurtunity to share with you my most embarrassing moment. You can share yours to by linking up with Julia or leaving your embarassing moment in the comments.

I'm still a little embarrassed to share..
Jon and I, still just friends at the time, had taken a weekend trip to Long Island to visit our close friends. In true twenty something fashion we passed up a night out on the town to stay in and play Sequence. This was a regular occurence on our trips to New York and we had a blast playing. Everytime my girlfriend would sing "Playing with the Queen of Hearts". On this praticular night we were cutting up like usual and having a great time sitting in the dining room laughing and playing. Then it happened in the throws of laughter, I passed gas, on a solid wood chair. I'm not talking a dainty lady like toot, I'm talking a rumbling.. I was mortified, but rather than address it I just was going to gloss over it. Until my girlfriends husband said, "Did you just FART?" Well what do you say? umm yeah!! Laughter ensued... and the remainder of the evening, "Tooting with the Queen of Hearts" followed by gas passing noises... LOVELY, just lovely...Jon will never find me attractive at this point or so I thought.

There you have it I bared my soul. What is your most embarrassing moment? Are you willing to share? Leave a comment or link up to Julia's hop.


Shannon K. said...

I am splitting a gut here, thank you very much! Insanely funny. What does that say about me though? Fart humor...hmmmm.

Sonora said...

Hahaha! I love it. Ironically my most embarrassing moment has something to do with that as well. Thanks for being so honest! It was a gas! (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)

Sonora -

Julia Ladewski said...

oh my gosh! that is so funny and mortifying at the same time!! farting is always embarrassing!

Brianne said...

Hahaha!! Thats too funny! Before hubby and I were even dating and were just friends- me and a GF of mine we at his house(where he lived with his parents at the time! we were like 17!) anywhoo- we were walking down the hallway to go downstairs and I just completely fell on my tush! I don't remember why but WTH!! I was so embarrassed and my supposedly best friends would not let me live it down!

Lula Lola said...

Funny! I will never be able to think of anything else when I hear that song!lol