This morning while preparing for church Dade was in constant song, primarily singing 'Away in a Manger'. I thought to myself, "Self you should really record that for Granma and Granpa to see or at least hear." I also knew that
Keely, over at MannLand5 was continuing her getting to know you blog hop that started last week. I figured, well I'll just slap a random video to the bottom of my getting to know you post and lo and behold
Keely wants to see it. Getting to know you this week is a favorite photo or video. These are the best of many takes. I apologize for my voice and singing, YIKES!! Love my boy and am so amazed at how big he is getting and the things he can remember.
Sorry are the video quality Santa Jon is bringing me a new camera for Christmas.
Keely sorry I'm late to the party this week. Had to wait til the babies were in bed to get a semi-good shot. Oh everyone else reading, you really should click on
Keely's name wherever you see it in this post and check out the UBER cute video of her babes singing.
So cute Heidi!!
I love Away in the Manger..even more now that Dade totally rocked it! :-)
Thanks for sharing Dade's super singing skills..(yours too):-)
OH.MY.GOODNESS he is so dang cute!! You should be a proud Mama!
What a sweetie....
How fun! :) Love the songs!
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