What have we been up to since I last posted OVER a week ago (and I wonder why I have a few followers and fewer comments).
Both girls are all about making faces, talking, crawling, standing, clapping, booty shaking and cruising whenever possible, oh and still aren't big fans of the whole sleeping thing.
Our nanny was sick again this week, so Jon took off Monday to be with the kids. I was off yesterday. We took a trip to Costco to grab a few things. Who knew Costco didn't open until 10, we were there at 9:30 and hung out in the parking lot for 1/2 hour. I only ended up being in the store for 15 minutes and had everything we needed. Jon came home after a doctor appointment and for the first time this summer we ventured to our neighborhood pool as a family. Oh my was that exhausting. The girls are a little small for the kiddie pool because they want to crawl around and the water came up to their chests when they were standing. When we went to the zero entry pool they would charge in.. crazy cooks. Dade on the other hand was happy to hang on the outskirts. We were there for a little over an hour and of course I got burned.
Today we recieved a package in the mail from my parents; a case of formula. Such a sweet gift and we are so blessed. The reason I mention this, this web-site. If I had only known I could have been saving $20 per case of formula since the girls had been born, that's a hefty chuck of change and no tax or shipping charge.
Dade has taken a couple of trips to the potty and we are working on understanding the potty sensations. So hopefully soon, he will really be interested in the potty. Above he is showing off his muscles after taking his vitamins.
1 comment:
You are so funny. I love the corndog - freaking hysterical. Whatever it takes.
The girls are getting so big - sounds like they are into so much already! OK, I didn' know about that site for formula. I could have saved a ton. We are so glad to be done with formula!
I'm in for a recipe share, but don't expect me to actually cook the recipes. I haven't really cooked in months! :-)
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